the co2 reference implementation in python
all versions require: *nix type OS (only tested on linux) and python 2.3.0 or higher. if you intend to run a relay, you'll probably want to install PyXML, whose marshalling module enables the relay to dump / reload satellite data, so that satellites don't have to re-register after a relay restart.

stable version: 0.5.11

development version: none

here's the CHANGE_LOG (up to the stable version)

note: the main co2 relay ( will always run the stable version. there is no guarantee that an unstable satellite instance will work with this relay! so, if you intend to point your satellite here, be sure to use the stable version.
usually there is a development version relay running at which you can use with a dev version satellite. as the term development suggests this is a playground for testing and debugging. might be incompatible with the downloadable version, and maybe not even running all the time...

the library reference (python api/epy-doc) for the stable version:
is available online and for download.

Last modified: Thu Oct 16 20:36:56 CEST 2003 - elektro/lu